An Invitation: A Day in the Life

As you may have noticed, the ATA Savvy Newcomer blog will be running a series in the coming months on the many options for education in translation and interpreting that exist in the U.S. We have had posts by NYU and Kent State students, and we are in the process of reaching out to other institutions that have certificate and/or degree programs in T&I to have their students write a “Day in the Life” post about their school. Ideally, we would like to feature traditional programs, as well as language-neutral programs and/or those focusing on languages of lesser diffusion.
Although we realize that posts of this nature may provide an advertising opportunity for each school, the primary goal of the series is to serve as an impartial source of information. We like to keep posts on The Savvy Newcomer short and sweet—as close to 900 words as possible. The article can come from one single student author or multiple authors covering different aspects of life at the school, and each contributor is asked to provide a bio of approximately 100 words.
If you are a student or a staff or faculty member at a school that has a translation and/or interpreting program, and are interested in helping to coordinate a post for your institution, please contact From there, a member of our team will connect with you to provide more information about submission specifications and deadlines. We look forward to hearing from you!
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